Create True Time Freedom and Financial Security

My free Masterclass reveals How You Can Start, Build and Scale A Successful & Profitable Online Business

No experience required. Step by step training provided.


What You'll Find Inside

~ How to Create an Automated Online Business With 
No Experience
~ How I Went From Unfulfilled and Burnt Out to Passionate & Thriving Working Remotely From Wifi
~ The Exact Blueprint To Success Me & Many Others Have Implemented And How YOU Can Tap Into It Today


Are you feeling unfulfilled and desiring MORE out of your life?

Or maybe you're tired of not having enough time to spend with the ones you love but still want to be able to provide for them?


If you answered yes to either of these, then it may be time for a change!

Who You'll Meet


Online Biz Mentor

I'm Whitney! I'm a 35 year old mama that decided I deserved more out of life than what the societal norm leads us to believe is possible. I am a passionate holistic health advocate, freedom fighter & online biz mentor.

After battling with some chronic health conditions I was led to the holistic health field where I was able to regain back so much of my life and I quickly became passionate about holistic wellness as a whole.
In 2020 I came across an opportunity that aligned with my beliefs and desires and that gave me the ability to create a life of true time freedom and financial security.
I now help other moms build this life for themselves and their families with this very same opportunity; an automated online business based around health, wealth and sustainability.

6-Figure Online Business Owner

Went from overworked, underpaid and 60K in debt to thriving in the online space


 Jordan went from 60K in debt to 6-figures her first year in this business, all without previous experience and really financially struggling before she started. She is a true testament that anyone can change their lives if they are dedicated and truly motivated to do so!



"If you want things in your life to change, you're going to have to change things in your life".

The time to start is NOW!


~ Being your own boss
~ Designing your days
~ Having more time to spend with your loved ones
~ Creating a future of time and financial freedom
~ Being able to travel whenever you please
~ Having a business that works for you 24/7
~ Helping to change peoples lives and make a global impact


I was never the type of person that knew exactly what I wanted to do when I “grew up”. I went to college because that’s what was expected of me, but even after graduating, I still had no idea what I wanted.

HOW does any 23 year old know what they want for the next 45 years? They don’t!
I tried a ton of different paths, but wanted to use my degree SO badly, that I found myself in a career that not only made me miserable and Burnt Out, but had me crying every single day. I was 25 & there was NO way I was about to live this life for 40 years, just for retirement.. 
I quit my job and 2 days later I found myself starting a career completely online. All of a sudden my passions became my brand & my brand became my business. I was able to be ME and live my ideal lifestyle. Not the lifestyle expected of me by others.
In the last 2 years I went from unfulfilled & confused about my future to confident & passionate online. All through this opportunity! I’ve been able to retire myself & my fiancé from corporate FOREVER, create a multi 6 figure online business, and now travel around the U.S full time in our converted sprinter van with unlimited Time, Financial & Location Freedom!
I am forever grateful to have been given the opportunity to change my life & help so many others along the way!
Brodie went from working in construction to realizing the physical toll it had on his body daily. He was over-worked and realized that he wanted more out of life.
He had a really tough upbringing that led him to drop out of high school, sleeping on park benches and he wound up in a downhill spiral of constantly struggling, finding himself in prison.
With what seemed like all odds stacked against him, he was determined to change his life and his circumstances. So he did!
He came across this opportunity and within 4 years of working online, he is now a 7-figure earner who is traveling the world, giving back and serving others as he always dreamed he'd do.
And he is here to give YOU the exact tools and resources he has utilized to help him get to where he is. 

Discover If This Opportunity Is The Right Fit For You With My Free Masterclass!